Airman – PDSF830S
Producción de aire libre: 830 CFM
Presión de Trabajo: 150 psi
Motor: Mitsubishi 276hp
Consumo: 34.4 L/H
- Acero
- Aeroespacial
- Alimentos y Bebidas
- Automotriz
- Cementera
- Electrónica
- Energética
- Farmacéutica
- Gases
- Industria Manufacturera
- Minería
- Papel
- Petroquímica
- Plástico
- Textiles
- Vidrio
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Air Compressors
- Cooling Tower Trim Cooling
- Cosmetics
- Electronics
- Engine Cooling
- Environment
- Food and Drug Manufacturing
- Gas Processing
- Glass
- Glycol Cooling
- Heating systems
- Landfill gas
- Large plant air
- Medical
- Metal Production
- Metalurgic
- Multiple Process
- Oil Cooling
- Optics
- Petroleum Recovery and Refining
- Pharmaceutical
- Photographic Laboratories
- Pressure increase
- Primary Metals
- Pulp and Paper